Best in show
Agricultural shows have long been a highlight of Coquetdale’s calendar. The show at each village is different.
Farming families would bring their best animals, crafts, baking and jams – and the competition could be fierce! There were also sports, games and dancing. Traditional wrestling is still a popular local feature.
‘It was an argument about sheep that started it. Which shepherd had the best one, sort of thing. So they got somebody to judge them, and that was the very first [Alwinton] Show. 1847, somewhere round Kidlandlee.‘
Bobbie Dixon, Committee member, Secretary and President of Alwinton Show from 1952 until 2004.

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What’s your story?
What sports or games do you like to play?
Have you ever won a prize for something you’ve made or done?
A bit of blether
Hoying a wellie at the village show?
Ye’ll need to be muckle big and strong to win, ye knaa!
Winning ways
You do get complaints. In the old days there was one man was judging the Cheviots, and this fella came up to him and says, ‘What had you against my yow?’ ‘I had nothing against your yow. I liked your yow, only I liked the other one better,’ says the judge. That’s the beauty of Showing. If everyone thought the same, then that same one would win every year.
Bobbie Dixon, Committee member, Secretary and President of Alwinton Show from 1952 until 2004.
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