OOT March 2020
Submitted by: Sally Brewis - 20th March 2020
OOT’s aim is to collect stories and memories to build a legacy about living in Coquetdale. We have had a lot of support from the residents of the valley who want to get involved in some way, either with interviews, giving us photographs, documents and artefacts or by simply keeping talking about times gone by. We’ve also had suggestions for topics and themes to follow up. The very nature of what we are hoping to achieve includes a lot of contact with the older residents in Coquetdale which means one of the areas that we have been concentrating on, face to face interviews, has had to stop. We know people who are self isolating may well appreciate the chance to talk to someone new and we would be very happy to offer a listening ear to those who would like to do this. Please contact Sally on 07876 636856 or send an email to sally.brewis@bailiffgatemuseum.co.uk.
We will be looking at what we can keep doing to try and capture the voice of Coquetdale during these difficult times and want to offer our support to the community in any way that we can. Please keep safe and well.