About the Out of Town Museum
The OOT Museum celebrates the rural heritage of Coquetdale and has created a permanent record of a former way of life before the memories are gone forever. We talked to people, sometimes more than once, and recorded their memories and stories about their experiences living in this beautiful but remote part of Northumberland. We have archived all of the recordings, photographs, documents, music and songs both at Bailiffgate Museum and the Northumberland Archives at Woodhorn Museum for people to access now and in the future.
You can see how the project developed here

It is hard to ignore the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic which happened throughout the life of the project. Local shows and events were cancelled, transport in this rural area curtailed and the very people we wanted to talk to were the most vulnerable so we had to find ways to continue without putting anyone at any risk.
The National Lottery Heritage funded project was extended to five years so we could continue to collect more about the heritage and history of Coquetdale and the project culminated in a touring exhibition and walks program during April – September 2023. Following this, we created a permanent home for the exhibition in Bailiffgate Museum as well as the content that we can’t physically display available on these pages.